Migrating an existing plugin

This guide outlines the steps to update your Figma plugin to work seamlessly with Plugma. While Plugma is compatible with React, Svelte, Vue, and vanilla JS/TS, compatibility with other frameworks may vary.

Steps to migrate

Step 1: Install Plugma

Add Plugma as a dependency in your project.

npm install plugma@latest

Step 2: Update package.json scripts

Add Plugma commands in the scripts section to handle development, building, previewing, and releasing.

"scripts": {
    "dev": "plugma dev",
    "build": "plugma build",
    "preview": "plugma preview",
    "release": "plugma release"

Step 3: Update file paths in manifest.json

Update the main and ui fields in your Figma plugin manifest to point to your source files.

	// ...
	"main": "src/main.ts",
	"ui": "src/ui.ts"

Step 4: Allow development network access

To allow local development with live reloading and WebSocket support, add the following domains to the networkAccess.devAllowedDomains field in your manifest.

"networkAccess": {
    // ...
    "devAllowedDomains": [

Step 5: Wrap your main code in a default function

Plugma requires that your main code is wrapped in and exported as a default function, so that it can enable certain features during development.

export default function () {
	// Your Figma plugin main code here

Step 6: Add TypeScript definitions for Figma

If your project uses TypeScript, install the necessary type definitions for Figma

npm install @figma/plugin-typings

And add the following to your tsconfig.json file.

	// ...
	"compilerOptions": {
		"typeRoots": ["node_modules/@figma"]

Step 7: Build and import the plugin in Figma

Run the build command to create a dist folder with it's own manifest.json file, and import it into Figma.

npm run build

Use Figma's Actions menu (Cmd + /) to search for "Import plugin from manifest..." and select the new manifest.

Additional considerations

Since Figma plugins must be bundled into a single main file and a ui file, ensure all assets are either inlined or hosted externally and must be included in the networkAccess field of your manifest.