Getting started

Plugma is a powerful command-line interface designed to streamline your development workflow. It makes it easier to create, build, and manage your plugins.


Before you start, ensure you have Node.js and the Figma desktop app installed. These tools are essential for developing plugins.

Start from a template

To create a plugin from a template, run the following command in your terminal and follow the prompts.

npm create plugma@latest

Install and import

Change to the plugin directory and install the dependencies.

cd my-plugin
npm install

Run the following to watch for changes while developing.

npm run dev

Import the plugin

After you've run the dev, build or preview command, a dist directory will be created where you can import the plugin from the manifest.json file.

  1. Open a file in Figma.
  2. Search for "Import plugin from manifest..." using the Actions menu (Cmd + /).
  3. Choose the manifest.json file from the dist folder.

Open the Figma desktop app, go to the Actions menu, search for your plugin, and select it. Your code changes will update instantly in the UI.

Before publishing

Before publishing your plugin, make sure to create a build. If not, it will still point to the dev server and won't work properly for users.

npm run build